Welcome to the inner sanctum.

This place will basically act as a blog page for random thoughts, things I'm working on (WSR, etc.) and a bunch of other stuff. So this page may get very long in the future.
Say hello the unfiltered thoughts of my brain.

??? ??, ???? ?:??

And you said,
it was like fire around the rim.
Burning solid.
Burning thin the burning rim.
Like stars burning holes right through the dark.
Flicking fire like saltwater into my eyes.
You were one inch from the edge of this bed,
I dragged you back a sleepyhead.

Log 1: Auditory Responses

Common protocol for Subjects, restrained or not, is to test and document responses to various sources, such as physical objects, electro-stimuli, and audio that seems to relate to the subject.Test 1: Subject W60-S45Subject was restrained to a table and was made unconscious for easier conditions for testing their responses to various audio tracks found in their living space.The first audio test didn't elicit a response from the subject, only a few limbs twitching.The second test also didn't have any response.With the third test, we weren't expecting a response, however, when the audio reached a certain point, the subject awoken, with their eyes wide open and a smile on their face, yet visible tears running down their face, it is unknown if the audio makes the subject feel a certain way, as the details on their face conflict with each other, further research shows that it may be due to a sense of nostalgia, or other such feeling.
All audio will be documented below for future testing.

This Log will be kept as documentation of Subject W60-S45, and should not be revealed to the public under any circumstances.FOR FURTHER ASSISTANCE, PLEASE REFER TO DR. ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮ FOR MORE INFORMATION.>

July 24th, 2024 7:19 PM

Been a while since I made a post, I would like to say that I saw a rainbow, it was raining, the sun was out, and thanks to that, there was a nice rainbow in the sky, there was a second one that was under it but it wasn't as opaque as the first one.

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I agree with you on that, although I wasn't able to take any pictures or video of it, I forgot... And as such, I will leave people with a video that's basically what happened. Albeit very dramatized.

Video : Yosemitebear Mountain Double Rainbow 1-8-10

by Yosemitebear62

July 4th, 2024 11:43 PM

It's getting pretty late, I'm at my sister's place and only now am I realizing I forgot to look at the fireworks.

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Yup, completely serious.

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I ask myself that question a lot most of the time.If I can make it up to you, you wanna go look at them now?

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July 4th, 2024 4:15 PM

Today's the 4th of July, or as I sometimes call it, 'Murica Day.
As I'm writing this, I'm not at my sister's yet, as it's planned to go there and stay the night to go see some fireworks.

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I hope so too, sure they are pretty loud, and some people keep launching them when others are trying to sleep, they're still cool.

July 1st, 2024

The first post, first of many at least.
Not much to document on aside from the post itself.

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Look, I know that. It'll get better with time, and practice, a lot of practice.